Personal Growth

How to Get Motivated At a Moment’s Notice

how to get motivated a moment's notice

One of the keys to keeping yourself going and taking action each day is motivation. There will be times when you feel like you have no drive to and you’d simply prefer do absolutely nothing. Even the most productive and accomplished people experience bouts of low motivation.

The way they cope with this “down” period, on the other hand, gets them back up and running quickly and allows them to achieve great things. If you find yourself saying, “I don’t feel motivated to do anything today,” you’ll procrastinate and you’re more likely to abandon an important activity or a powerful business idea.

Researchers have identified several straightforward techniques to help you work smarter rather than harder. Some of these motivational suggestions take a just few seconds to implement.

Others require a few minutes. Here are the easiest ways to boost your motivation level, based on the findings of recent scientific studies.

Declare To Yourself That You’re Making a Fresh Start

Have you ever wondered why everyone makes promises on January 1? It is, after all, a new year. It is, however, an arbitrary moment in most people’s life. Although January 1 is an excellent day for making new commitments, it isn’t significantly better than July 28. Here’s the thing: you can restart your life at any time.

You will experience a rush of energy as a result of doing so. According to a study by Wharton School of Business, “intertemporal markers” encourage us in two ways: by making people disconnect from past failures and by promoting a big-picture view of life. These factors make us more motivated to sequester away our losses and get things done.”

Grab Some Dark Chocolate

Another sensible and quick way to boost your motivation is to indulge in dark chocolate. Chocolate’s benefits on the brain are well-studied, not to mention it’s tasty and readily available. It stimulates the secretion of dopamine, which raises your heart rate and boosts your motivation.

It also has a modest antidepressant effect since the stimulants encourage your brain to promote happy feelings.

Remember Why You Needed To Be Motivated In The First Place

According to LifeHack, “If you feel a lack of motivation when you want to type an article, try to think about why you want to do it in the first place. The reasons you do something are the driving force behind everything you do. It is only when your reason is strong and emotional enough that you will do whatever it takes to accomplish the task.”

So, what motivates you to accomplish what you do? Do you understand why you desire to attain your objectives? Make sure your justifications are compelling and passionate. When you lack motivation, consider why you want to accomplish it.